Ear Piercing Are you considering getting your daughter's ears pierced, or your own? Ear piercing is something that is with you for life, and we take a lot of care to get it right. Preparation before piercing is very important, and getting it wrong can lead to nasty infections or wrongly placed holes. We focus on the detail, and take pride in providing a high quality ear piercing service. Minimum age 6 years.
Passport Photos we have the latest computer software to ensure that your passport photos complies with NZ passport requirements, including online passport applications. We also have templates for photo requirements for passports and visas for a large number of other countries. We guarantee our passport photos unconditionally. Medicines are only funded by the government for a certain period of time, and people often forget they have repeats on their medication to pick up. Don't let those repeats expire any more with a Pharmacy Message Reminder Service - if you have a repeat prescription with us, we can send you a reminder that it's due to expire - talk to your pharmacist about setting this service up for you!